5 Email Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Brand

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Small businesses can communicate with prospects through various platforms. They can use established social networks and ride momentum on emerging platforms. Business owners can select from many platforms. However, they all use email marketing as the foundation for their strategies.

Businesses can communicate with prospects and not worry about an algorithm. If you send a message, it will show up in your subscribers’ inboxes. You don’t have the same guarantee with social networks. A single algorithm change can impact your social media reach.

Your digital marketing strategy works best when you prioritize your email list. Engaging with your email subscribers can increase revenue. You can share free value and eventually entice subscribers with an offer.

Email marketing is a terrific asset for any brand. These email marketing strategies will help grow your brand.

1. Give Away Free Gifts

Offering free gifts helps business grow their email lists. They give prospects a reason to provide their email address and subscribe to your newsletter. Free gifts make your opt-in pages more effective and put you in a better position to boost sales.

You can offer free gifts that line up with your offerings. If you provide rental property management services, you can give leads a free guide on steps to manage a property. Not everyone has the DIY mentality. Some will glean through the resource and realize they need your help.

Your free gift can range from a mini-course, checklist, audiobook, or product trial. Connect it with your products and services to create a smooth transition.

2. Collaborate with Other Brands

Many businesses leverage collaborations to reach new prospects. During a partnership, two or more brands cross-promote each other. You send an email promoting another business. That business follows suit and emails its audience about your brand.

The nature of the collaboration depends on each brand’s willingness to engage. Some brands may promote the other company’s opt-in page in a single email to their audiences. Other brands may opt for social media posts.

Partner up with brands that offer similar services but aren’t competitors. Many organizations that host marathons cross-promote each other. These marathons will promote each other through their newsletters. However, organizers won’t promote a marathon taking place on the same day as their own. Each business owner must decide the proper balance, so their collaborations attract more prospects without worrying about losing warm leads.

Collaborating with brands will grow your email list. Each partnership expands your customer pool. However, some companies may not take you seriously if you use a Gmail or Yahoo! email account. These email addresses lack professionalism and don’t tell people about your website.

A VPS provides custom email addresses. You can create an email address that includes your website in the address. This professional look will make collaborators and leads take you more seriously. Our Linux VPS lets you create email addresses and keeps the hackers away. Our cybersecurity features give you an extra layer of protection so you can focus on your business.

3. Segment Your Subscribers

Your email subscribers have different ambitions and goals. They have varying needs and levels of experience.

Businesses segment their subscribers to customize the experience across their audience groups. This customized experience leads to more relevant messaging around your core offers.

Some social media management companies segment their audiences by profession. They have one segment of dentists and another segment containing lawyers.

Businesses create these segments by promoting multiple opt-in pages. One opt-in page caters to dentists while the other caters to lawyers.

Some businesses create surveys for their audiences to gain segmentation details. You can use a subscriber’s responses to determine how to segment them. Offering a prize such as a $50 Amazon gift card to the winner will prompt more subscribers to fill out the survey.

You can use segmentation to distinguish between many factors. Many businesses segment for each prospect’s experience, purchase history (for prospects who became customers), and interests. Some prospects only care about one element of your brand, while others care about several. Segmentation ensures prospects only receive emails containing what they want.

4. Resend Each Email to Unopens

Some email marketing strategies require complex planning. Businesses check their funnels to ensure every page is in sync.

Other email marketing strategies require less effort. These strategies present quick wins that boost engagement. Resending emails to unopens will boost your metrics with minimal work. Some people will miss the email because people receive many emails on a given day.

You can change the subject line and resend emails to your subscribers in a few clicks. This low-effort activity puts you in front of more subscribers and leads to higher engagement rates.

5. Personalize Your Emails

We buy goods and services from people we know, like, and trust. Creating content and showing up to your audience helps people gain confidence in your services. However, showing personal elements helps subscribers connect with you on a deeper level.

Some businesses show the team culture. They take a picture of team members performing an activity together and use it in their email. Some influencers incorporate personal stories into their selling. They talk about a relatable personal experience that ties into their product.

Relatable experiences bring people closer to your brand. Your subscribers will feel as if they are receiving emails from a friend. Creating this dynamic leads to warmer leads.

Review Your Data

Email marketing strategies help you grow your brand. Reviewing the data reveals opportunities to improve. You’ll discover strengths and weaknesses. Many marketers focus on strengths and cut ties with weak points.

Reviewing your data leads to smarter decisions. Many businesses rely on data to guide their actions. You can analyze various data points. However, companies should focus on the data points that lead to more conversions and revenue.

A Self-Hosted Platform Will Complement Your Efforts

Many businesses use self-hosted platforms to look more professional. Sending emails from a VPS-hosted email account increases your odds of 100% deliverability. Your messages won’t crowd subscribers’ spam mail.

We can help set you up with a self-hosted platform. However, we understand some people want to do it themselves to save money. That’s why we created a guide on installing a self-hosted platform. It will assist you through each step of the process.

A self-hosted platform acts as a solid complement to email marketing strategies. You’ll gain more control over your data and look more credible in front of potential customers.

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