New Windows VPS Add-on: RDPGuard Firewall

 In Announcements

We have released a new Windows VPS add-on which is the result of a regular support ticket request querying about the Windows VPS security.

There are many bots online attempting to brute force the Windows VPS Remote desktop password.

While, if you are using a strong password odds are rather low  for an intrusion, the probability still exists.  It is possible to change the remote desktop port, it is still possible through a network scan to detect the RDP listening port.

Therefore, we have released an add-on which is a license for the RdpGuard firewall which would detect intrusion attempt and automatically create a firewall rule which would deny the IP from reaching the server again. The intrusion risk is drastically reduced.

The firewall would also extends the protection to hosted services such as:

  • FTP Servers
  • Mail Servers
  • Web Forms
  • MSSQL / MySQL Remote Connections

It also introduce a dashboard of intrusion attempts. The License is a one time purchase which would be delivered through email and would be reusable on others devices not necessarily tied with HostStage.

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