
How to Create a Wordpress Plugin Sets for Multiple Installations Print

  • wordpress plugins, softaculous, wordpress manager, wp plugins set
  • 25

Throughout this guide, you'll learn how to use a reusable plugin sets for your Wordpress installation. If you run several websites, you may get rid of the time overhead required by tediously installing the same Wordpress plugins set you are used to. With HostStage, you may create a Plugin set which you may use and apply for new or even existing Wordpress installation. 


To proceed you would need to follow the steps below: 


1) First, login to cPanel using your HS Manager or the details provided in the "New Web Hosting Account Information" email. 

2) In the "Software" section of your cPanel interface click on "Wordpress Manager By Softaculous" 

wordpress manager icon inside cPanel

3) In the top right header, click on the "Edit Settings" icon and then click on the "Wordpress Plugin / Theme Sets" button as indicated in the screenshot below: 

edit settings icon and menu for the wordpress manager in shared hosting

4) Type a name for your Plugin Set and click Create. You may categorise your typical WP Plugins such as Performance, Security and selectively rolling out on your installations. 

create wordpress plugin set

5) Once, created you may now click on "Add Plugins" 

Add Wordpress plugin and themes in the created set

6) On the pop up, you may research through the public Wordpress plugin repository and select the plugin you would like to add within your set. You may replicate this process for all the plugins you would like to include. 

pop up that prompts the user to select wordpress plugins from the public repository for his set

7) That's it, you have now created a Plugin set which you may immediately rolled out to some existing Wordpress installation or you'll be even prompted to select your set while deploying a new Wordpress installation

Prompt to apply & install a Wordpress plugin set on existing wordpress websites





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